38 pegs

Current Record: 278lb by A Barker
Previous Record: 262lb -08 oz by Geoff Church
Previous Record: 230lb-14oz by Mick Howells

The deepest at 9 feet and the most unpredictable pool on the fishery, a real anglers’ pool!! The pool is well stocked with carp, tench, bream, rudd and roach. The tench and bream running up to 6lb.

This pool has a reputation with pleasure anglers that they have to finish by 2’oclock because their arms are aching!

The left bank is basin shaped and the dam wall the same; the right bank has a shelf of 4 feet running from pegs 2-7. Main baits are pellet, corn and maggots, fished in the margins.

Best tactics depending on the weather are straight out at 11 metres fishing on the deck, coming in to the margins on pegs 2-14 and coming onto 4 metres straight out in front on pegs 15-25. Pegs 30-38 have just been completed.