May Festival 2023

3rd - 7th May

We will be running the May festival this year as usual. Numbers will dictate which pools we use, although we will make sure that everyone is given space and that it is a well run, fun event for everybody involved.

Please message us or fill out the form below if you would like to book on to this festival. Please also make sure that you bring your nets and also ensure that you have enough for large weights (our net limit is 70lb).

£160 total fee for the week – we will post full payout structure transparently when we know final numbers.



November Festival 2023

2nd November - 5th November

November 2022’s festival was a great success, and our 2023 November festival is set to be bigger and better. Numbers will dictate which pools we use, although we will make sure that everyone is given space and that it is a well run, fun event for everybody involved.

Please message us or fill out the form below if you would like to book on to this festival. Please also make sure that you bring your nets and also ensure that you have enough for large weights (our net limit is 70lb).


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